Yes, there are ViPR imitations on the market and, yes, you’ll save a few bob initially. But
here’s why the UK-made natural rubber ViPR is the only ViPR that properly delivers the gains
you’re looking for – and, unlike cheap copies, it lasts a lifetime.
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a trend that isn’t going away and there is a good reason for that – it
works! In this blog, Head of Education for ViPR, Stephen Tongue, explores the benefits of HIIT training and
how it continues to grow in popularity. ‘It’s a tool you definitely want in your toolbox, however, have you
combined HIIT with another of our favourite tools yet’, asks Stephen. ViPR!
The population of England and Wales has continued to age since 2011, according to Census 2021 results. Alison Beadle looks at how you can cater to an ageing population with ViPR for older generations, focusing on brain health and mental health.
Paul Edmondson looks at how to re-establish and develop long-term flexibility with ViPR.
We often hear from our ViPR PTs that they want to be able to share ideas with their clients –
especially for those times clients are tight on time or even tight on space (think hotel rooms or when
working from home). So we asked Stephen Tongue to come up with tight-on-space ViPR exercises
for you to share. He took the brief and supercharged it, delivering these moves that can be done in
just one metre square.
Julie Holl shares how ViPR can be a game-changer for the way you support postnatal women on their path to holistic health.
Stephen Tongue picks up ViPR and asks, what exactly should we do to keep in good shape and maintain our swagger for life as time goes by?
In this blog, Julie Holl explores the importance of multi-directional movement, unbalanced exercises and unique core-strengthening techniques that step away from traditional core workouts, instead utilising something far more bespoke for mum and her ever-changing body.
When it comes to movement training, there is a short list of gym staples that are go-to tools for coaches and bodyworkers. On that list are, undoubtedly, ViPR and the TRX Suspension Trainer. Steve Tongue, ViPR Head of Education, runs through the benefits of these tools.
Paul Edmondson discusses how to train the hamstrings to function authentically in the game of life and sport.