ViPR Blog

Loaded Movement Training | 17 July 2023

The adaptive nervous system: Exercise enrichment for cognitive resilience

The concept of ‘environmental enrichment’ comes from the field of animal behaviour studies and is not a term that is typically heard in exercise and physical activity circles. But I think that it should be.

Loaded Movement Training | 19 April 2023

Lean, capable legs

Steve Tongue chooses ViPR exercises that give you a great-looking booty AND strong legs that are fit for an active life.

Loaded Movement Training | 19 April 2023

ViPR and the unrivalled power behind the ‘matrix’

Paul Edmondson invites us to take the red pill, step into the matrix and look at ViPR training from a different perspective.

Loaded Movement Training | 23 January 2023

An epic loaded movement challenge: 100 DAYS to 1,000 REPs

John Polley tackles a challenge that sees him take 100 days to reach 1,000 REPs with his trusty ViPR.

Loaded Movement Training | 12 January 2023

Building strong functional knees

Have you ever had a knee problem or do you know somebody who has? The likely answer to this question is ‘yes!’ Knee problems are common and can be very debilitating, often taking months to fix. Here, we take a look at strategies we can implement into our training to help build more robust and healthy leg hinges (knees).

Loaded Movement Training | 11 January 2023

Coaching and communication

How can we best communicate with our clients? Joseph Taylor, co-founder of The Total Player and ViPR Master Trainer, takes a look