ViPR Blog

loadedmovement | 4 February 2015

Playing games with ViPR – Part 2

In part one of a three-part series, ViPR global master coach John Sinclair discussed why play is so important for us. In part two, he shows you two more forms of play to incorporate into your ViPR training – social and imaginative.

loadedmovement | 6 January 2015

Playing games with ViPR – Part 1

In part one of a three-part series, ViPR global master coach John Sinclair identifies how you can use ViPR as a brilliant tool for playing games.

Loaded Movement Training | 16 September 2014

Loaded Movement Training and the pregnant client: Part 1

ViPR master trainers Jenny Burrell and Laura Deitz explain the principles and benefits of Loaded Movement Training and how it can truly benefit the prenatal population by creating task-oriented movement patterns that reflect the demands of a mom's daily life.