ViPR Blog

General, Loaded Movement Training, loadedmovement | 25 January 2017

Knowledge is power: New ViPR Training, LMT-1

As the global authority on loaded movement training, ViPR supports an international community of coaches, trainers and therapists who share our passion for human movement performance.

Community stories, Loaded Movement Training | 8 December 2016

Amy’s story: part 2 – the importance of moving with load from a young age

Function at a young age is often unquestioned. Kids run, play and laugh … right? We don't need to intervene to help promote healthy movement, they can do it on their own.

Community stories, Loaded Movement Training | 17 November 2016

ViPR Global Ambassador, Amy’s Story: ViPR, My Kids and The New 2kg ViPR

What if we could combine that creativity into a structured activity? What if there was a tool that would both challenge kids and help them successfully improve their function? I found that in ViPR

General | 30 September 2016

ViPR development updates

An overview of the updates coming to ViPR

Loaded Movement Training | 4 June 2014

Loaded Movement Training

Stress is known to the human body at every moment, resulting in either regeneration or deterioration based on accommodation via motion, as Jake Duhon explains.