ViPR Blog

Community stories, General | 31 January 2018

Where has ViPR been this quarter?

The biggest health and fitness summit of the Middle East took place in Dubai in October 2017, with more than ten thousand attendees taking their skills and qualifications to the next level with our education and training workshops. Organised by MEFITPRO, the MEFIT Health and Fitness Summit, which is in its 14th year, included some of the best names and equipment in the fitness industry

Community stories, Loaded Movement Training | 30 January 2018

Meet Aaron Barnett: New ViPR global master trainer

We are proud to welcome a new senior member to the team, Aaron Barnett. We congratulate Aaron on becoming a ViPR global master trainer, responsible for upskilling ViPR master trainers and delivering education internationally.

Community stories, Loaded Movement Training | 30 January 2018

Basketball star, Amida Brimah, training with ViPR

When in the Florida area, this 7ft, 230lb athlete trains at the PurLife Fitness Center in Delray Beach with training specialist, Nick Urso. Recently, ViPR global ambassador, Giovanni Roselli, introduced Amida to ViPR and the two quickly realized that this would be an excellent tool for enhancing Amida’s basketball performance.

#workoutwednesday, Loaded Movement Training | 22 November 2017

Vitality Circuit – #viprworkoutwednesday with Kevin Bretting

Emphasis in this workout theme is on acceleration/deceleration, increasing forces (mass, momentum, speed, etc.), increasing rhythm and timed direction changes, and increasing overall volume of training.

General, Loaded Movement Training | 24 October 2017

Untangle your T spine with ViPR

In this article, I'm going to try to convince you that it's important to keep your T spine mobile, stable and strong, as well as giving you some ViPR strategies to show how you can achieve it.

General, Loaded Movement Training | 23 October 2017

The Power Plate and ViPR Concept

Global educator Paul Edmondson runs us through a specifically created ViPR programme for one of his clients that demonstrates the philosophy of Loaded Movement Training combined with vibration training

Community stories, General | 16 August 2017

New role introductions: Danny Bartlett & Stephen Tongue

We profile two of the latest additions to the ViPR team; Danny Bartlett and Stephen Tongue.