Are you looking for a better way to programme fully functional core exercise into your client programming?
Here’s a great way of expanding your core library, which not only makes coughing, sneezing and laughing more fun with some serious DOMS, but also treats and trains the core the way that it was designed to be moved.
On 9 and 10 September, the leading authority in the world of functional human movement, science and application – Gray Institute® – will be coming to town. Teaming up with FitPro, Gray Institute will bring its world-renowned Chain Reaction® seminar to the good folks of London.
Too often in our industry the fundamentals are pushed to the side. This is due to a focus on intensity for greater work capacity as we seek the most aggressive progressions for achieving quick results. Although intensity is needed and increases in work capacity lead to enhancing fitness levels, it can also lead to detrimental effects if not integrated into training programs as a component of overall enhancement. This approach creates depth within our training programs, leading to not only greater work capacities, but also fundamental ‘gains’ for the movement ability of the body, no matter what the fitness goal may be.
ViPR™ has developed brand new functional training education to bring it in line with what PTs and health professionals are looking for in 2017. The education is shorter in duration to accommodate the need for condensed, impactful learning, it’s cost effective, and it’s also highly practical, allowing trainers to apply the knowledge immediately. The new education is based on the Loaded Movement Training (LMT) concept where ViPR sits as a global authority.
As the global authority on loaded movement training, ViPR supports an international community of coaches, trainers and therapists who share our passion for human movement performance.
A program that is aimed at enhancing performance for cycling
John Sinclair, ViPR global educator, programming officer for the Institute of Motion and founder of Authentic Health Coaching, gets to grips with momentum.
Why do we exercise? We all have a different answer to this question, says Jan Hutnan.
This month, we place the spotlight on UK national trainer Steve Tongue. Steve takes his turn in the Q&A corner and shares some great ideas on how to get new clients involved with ViPR. Watch his ViPR moves in action.
loadedmovement | 16 March 2016
The UK's first PTA Global Mentorship 1 course!
6-7 April, London
£499, price includes mentorship course plus online study course in behavioural change in exercise.