ViPR is used to drive movement, condition movement efficiency, and add integrated strength to movement through the variable load demands imposed on the body via authentic use of ground and gravity forces. Nick Luciano, Global ViPR Master Coach explains.
To understand how the applied use of ViPR meets the needs of the military, we must analyze the demands on the individual, both on and off the field of battle. Physical preparedness is the first line of defense: as an individual, as a unit. Once in the fight, strategy and skill serve as the offense.
In our assessment of the military’s needs, we break it down into three main categories: in the fight, getting to the fight, and day-to-day tasks during down time.
Some of our objectives in meeting the needs of the military include making the individual mobile, creating the ability to offer the smallest possible target to the enemy, and overall conditioning in the fight. Components of the conditioning are moving with speed, stealth and security. Being able to negotiate the terrain and environment quickly, effectively, and efficiently is of the utmost importance. In the fight, the individual will have to lift, shift, squat and hyperextend all under load. Before the individual gets to the fight, they have to remain combat effective. This requires mobility, economy of movement, and stability under load to prevent slips, trips, and falls.
When individuals are most prone to injury is when performing day-to-day tasks during down time or in training. Day-to-day tasks of reaching, lifting and shifting, and repetition can often distress the low back, knees and shoulders of the unprepared. This can be filling sandbags, moving equipment on and off vehicles, physical training and recreation.
ViPR Military programming is evolving. More military units have been exposed to ViPR, and have provided their feedback, and expressed interest and value in the tool. There should be a lot of excitement and anticipation of what’s to come with ViPR Military in 2015.
About Nick Luciano
As a professional for 10 years, and a student for the last 20 years, I’ve reinvented my practice many times throughout my career. I currently subscribe to MicholDalcourt’s concepts on loaded and unloaded movement applications, and my expertise has been programming within that structure. I’m inspired by the movement arts, fun exercise, and skillful calisthenics.
For further information on Nick’s military training and for the opportunity to invite Nick to present in your area, contact