ViPR Blog

Community stories, Loaded Movement Training | 8 December 2016

Amy’s story: part 2 – the importance of moving with load from a young age

Function at a young age is often unquestioned. Kids run, play and laugh … right? We don't need to intervene to help promote healthy movement, they can do it on their own.

Community stories, Loaded Movement Training | 17 November 2016

ViPR Global Ambassador, Amy’s Story: ViPR, My Kids and The New 2kg ViPR

What if we could combine that creativity into a structured activity? What if there was a tool that would both challenge kids and help them successfully improve their function? I found that in ViPR

Loaded Movement Training | 24 August 2015

ViPR Kids and ViPR Military launch to great acclaim

FitPro LIVE 2015 showed just how global ViPR has become, welcoming an international ViPR delegation from Brazil, South Africa, Holland, Portugal, USA, Costa Rica, UAE, South East Asia, Mexico, Greece and Sweden. We launched ViPR Kids and ViPR Military and the feedback was outstanding!

loadedmovement | 24 August 2015

Global launch of ViPR Kids prepares children for life’s challenges

ViPR Kids enables children to move and perform better, both in life and sport. The ViPR Kids workshop shows you how to apply ViPR to workouts for kids of different age groups, improving their balance, strength and coordination with a whole-body, healthy approach to exercise.